New Visitors

1. How do I get there?

We are on Village street in Harvington, see contact us for a map.

2. What time are the services?

Services are every Sunday at 10am, usually for about an hour.

3. Where do I park?

We tend to park on the opposite side of the road to the chapel to help avoid congestion on the main road.

4. What should I wear?

We normally dress casually, but just wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

5. Who should I ask if I have any questions?

Ask one of the deacons, although we are a friendly group so anyone will do.

6. What about my children?

Your kids are very welcome, we have a small Sunday school which can cater for your children's needs.

7. What can I expect to happen during the service itself?

We have a different speaker every week, so we never know exactly what will happen. Usually there is some music (projected on to a big screen), a bible passage and some thoughts from the speaker.

We usually have communion on the first Sunday of each month.

8. What happens after the service?

We will serve free coffee and tea to you after the service. Please join us for a chat!

Upcoming Events

Sunday Services
Sundays 10:00 - 11:00 via
Zoom video conferencing

Contact Us

Contact us about anything here!

© Harvington Baptist Church 2020. All Rights Reserved.